KUALA LUMPUR: The National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) should not be abolished as it will not resolve the problem of students who cannot afford higher education, Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said.
He said there was a need for a fair process that would not burden either students or communities. Hadi’s view is another indication of the conflicting stand on issues among parties in Pakatan Rakyat, mainly Pas and Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
Several Pas leaders had said the proposal to abolish PTPTN was not discussed by Pakatan Rakyat and was merely PKR’s decision. Hadi, in an interview with a Malay tabloid on Saturday, said in Islam, those who had the means should make it their responsibility to help the poor.
Presenting a view that differed from Anwar’s, Hadi said famed Muslim historian Ibn Khaldun had touted education as an industry that was concerned with productivity.
He said education must result in productive human capital. “Therefore, PTPTN loans cannot be abolished just like that "There has to be a process that is just and fair and will not burden the poor. The rich must bear the responsibility."
Read more on: No need to abolish PTPTN, says Hadi - Top News - New Straits Times
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